


Following the end of the state of emergency in all the Country, Caplan is resuming all course operations in Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya starting from June 1st, 2020. To prevent any concern of virus infection and to provide a safe environment where students can feel secure, we are taking the following measures:

These measures will remain in place until further notice. They may change according to the COVID-19 epidemic development. We ask your kind collaboration.

事務局スタッフ・施設内対策/Measures regarding the staff and the premises

  • 講師・事務局スタッフは毎日の検温と報告を徹底し、咳・発熱など風邪の症状がある場合は出社を控えます。
    The office staff and the instructors will have their temperature measured every day and will restrain from coming to the school in the case of suspicious symptoms like cough or fever.

  • 講師・事務局スタッフは丁寧な手洗いと手指のアルコール消毒を徹底致します。
    The office staff and the instructors will thoroughly wash their hands and disinfect with alcohol after entering the school.

  • 事務局スタッフはマスクまたはフェイスシールドを着用し、講師もテイスティング時を除き、原則マスク着用で講義致します。
    The office staff will use face masks and face shields. During the lesson the instructor will wear face masks, except during tastings.

  • 教室テーブル・イス・ドアノブ等の消毒を徹底致します。
    Tables, chairs and door handles will be thoroughly disinfected.

  • 講座前、および講座中も適宜教室内の換気を致します。
    Windows will be left open before and during the lessons to ensure proper airflow.

  • 座席レイアウトはスクール形式とし、極力「密」にならない配置を致します。また、必要に応じてアクリルパネルを配置します。
    For the time being, class layout will be “classroom style” and seats will be spaced as much as possible. If needed, acrylic panels will be used to separate seats.

  • ワイン・日本酒を提供する際は事務局スタッフが注ぐ、あるいは皆さまに注いでいただく場合は手袋、または除菌シートをお配りするなどの感染予防対策を致します。
    When wine/sake is served, sterile gloves and disinfectant sheets will be made available to avoid directly touching the bottles. When possible, wine/sake will be poured by the staff.

受講生の皆さまへのお願い/Requests to the students

  • 咳・発熱など風邪の症状がある場合はご来校をお控えください。
    Please refrain from coming to lesson if you have cold symptoms like cough and fever.

  • 来校時はマスク着用と受付での検温(非接触型体温計使用)、手指のアルコール消毒、洗面所での手洗いのご協力をお願い致します。また、受付時にお待ちいただく際は、前の方との距離をあけてお並びください。なお、体温が37.5度以上の場合はご受講をお断り致します。
    Please use a face mask when coming to the lessons. We also ask you to thoroughly wash your hands in the washroom and use the hand sanitizer. At the entrance you will be taken your body temperature with a non-contact type thermometer. If your temperature surpasses 37.5℃ you will be refused admittance. When lining, please keep a safe distance from the person before you.

  • 受講中もテイスティング時以外はマスクの着用をお願い致します。
    During the lesson, please keep your face mask on, except during tastings.

  • 受講生間の会話はお控えいただき、お話する際は適切な距離をとり、特に大きな声にならないようご注意ください。
    Avoid talking with your fellow classmates during lesson. If you do, please keep safe distance and don’t talk loudly.

  • 咳エチケットのご協力をお願い致します。
    Please follow the cough etiquette.

