WSET Level4 Diplomaを受験するにはWSET Level3 in Wine または WSET Level3 in Wines and Spirits の認定資格保有が必須条件となります。
Diploma Exam Fee(受験料)
Diplomaの受験をされる方は、Diploma Online Distance Learningの受講が必須となります(D1~D5)。
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日本ではまだ、WSET Level4 Diplomaの通学コースはございません。

D1 [Wine Production]
D2[Wine Business]
D3 [Wines of the World]
【Day 1】 2つのパートで構成される3時間20分のTheory試験です。2時間の筆記試験と、80分の筆記試験、に分けて実施いたします。
【Day 1】 2つのパートで構成される3時間で12種類のBlind Tasting試験です。90分で6種類のBlind Tasting 試験を同日に2回実施します
D4/D5[Sparkling Wines/Fortified Wines]
D6[Research Assignment]
Learning Outcome
【D1】 Wine Production(Weighting: 20%)
Learning Outcome1 |
Understand what the vine requires to produce and ripen grapes for wine production and how the growing environment influences the vines's ability to produce and ripen grapes. |
Learning Outcome2 |
Understand grape growing options. |
Learning Outcome3 |
Understand winemaking options and how they influence the style, quality and price of wines. |
【D2】 Wine Business(Weighting: 10%)
Learning Outcome1 |
Understand the factors that contribute to the price of wine. |
Learning Outcome2 |
Understand the types of businesses engaged in the production of wine and options for getting wine to the point of sale. |
Learning Outcome3 |
Understand key consideration in wine marketing. |
【D3】 Wines of the World(Weighting: 50%)
Learning Outcome1 |
Understand how the growing environment, grape growing options, winemaking options, wine law and regulation, and wine business influence the style, quality and price of the principal wines of the world. |
Learning Outcome2 |
Demonstrate the ability to taste and evaluate wines from the principal wine regions accurately. |
【D4】 Sparkling Wines(Weighting: 5%)
Learning Outcome1 |
Understand how the growing environment, grape growing options, winemaking options, industry associations and labelling terms, and wine business influence the style, quality and price of the principal sparkling wines of the world. |
Learning Outcome2 |
Demonstrate the ability to taste and evaluate sparkling wines accurately. |
【D5】 Fortified Wines(Weighting: 5%)
Learning Outcome1 |
Understand how the growing environment, grape growing options, winemaking options, industry associations and labelling terms, and wine business influence the style, quality and price of the principal fortified wines of the world. |
Learning Outcome2 |
Demonstrate the ability to taste and evaluate fortified wines accurately. |
【D6】Independent Research Assignment(Weighting: 10%)
Learning Outcome1 |
Research a specified wine-related subject. |