The following Pasona HR Solutions Inc. Caplan Wine Academy (hereinafter referred to as “the Academy”) Terms and Conditions describes the points that need to be agreed upon with customers in advance concerning the WSET® Level 4 Diploma in Wine (hereinafter referred to as “Diploma”) course.
When using the Academy services, please be sure to agree upon the terms and conditions. We assume that you have read and agreed to our policy once you use our services.

Article 1 (Admission)


Admission procedures

Please refer to the 3.1 Admission Procedure article in the General Terms and Conditions page.


Initial tuition fee


An admission fee of 5,500 yen (consumption tax included) per person will be charged to students who are not already enrolled in other courses at Caplan Wine Academy.


At Caplan Wine Academy The Online Course is sold exclusively as a package. The initial tuition fee includes:


Diploma Candidate Registration fee for 3 years, including digital study materials.


D1(Wine Production) Exam fee. Only the first D1 session, whose date is specified in the application page, is included. Following exams must be paid separately.


Online Course fee (Units D1 to D5). There is no course for the D6 exam.


Tutorial Programme fee. Only the first Tutorial Programme session, whose date is specified in the application page, is included. Following sessions must be paid separately.

The tuition fee is specified on the following enrollment pages:


The admission fee and Diploma Candidate Registration fee are non-refundable under any circumstances after completion of the admission procedure.


Suspension of Membership

Please refer to the 3.3 Suspension of Membership article in the General Terms and Conditions page.

Article 2 (Course Procedures)


Course Schedule


Please confirm the course schedule in advance via the website or catalogue.
Due to the timing in which the schedules are released by WSET Head Office, the dates of some online courses may not be announced yet when the application period starts. In this case they will appear on the calendar as TBA (To Be Announced). If you enroll while the dates of some courses are TBA, you declare to accept the dates as they are when they are confirmed. No free rescheduling will be allowed.
Caplan Wine Academy commits to publish the confirmed dates as soon as they are received from WSET Head Office.


At Caplan Wine Academy the Online Course is sold exclusively as a package. As such, once you have enrolled in the Online Course, the Units CANNOT BE RESCHEDULED in any case.

However, candidates who would like to RE-take an online course Unit will have the chance to purchase the desired course(s) individually. A separate fee will apply. In this case please contact the office.
Notice that this only applies to RE-takes, i.e. Units whose original course schedule has already ended.


Dates for the 2-day Tutorial Programme are specified in the application page. Due to natural disasters, traffic conditions, instructor circumstances, etc., the course may be cancelled, the content may be changed, or lectures may be given by a substitute instructor. If a course is cancelled, a make-up course will be held on a different day, but no refunds will be made if the student is unable to attend on the make-up day.


In the event that the Academy is unable to provide make-up lectures due to circumstances beyond its control, the Tutorial Programme fee for the cancelled course will be refunded in full.


Application for enrollment


Applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis and will be closed we the deadline specified in the application page has passed. Applications will not be accepted after the deadline. It is not possible to join a course that has already started.


The Academy reserves the right to cancel or postpone a course if the number of students does not meet the minimum number of participants.


Exam Fees


Fees will be set for each exam and specified on the website in each exam application page.


The method of payment of course fees are determined separately and prospective participants will be able to check it at the time of registration in the exam application page.


For D1 (resit), D2, D3, D4, D5 exams:

WSET Certification Examination Fees for these Diploma Exams are refundable only before the application deadline published on each exam page on the website. After the deadline Examination Fees cannot be refunded.

For D1 (first-time) exam:

WSET Certification Examination Fee for this Diploma Exam is refundable only 20 working days before the date of the exam. After this date it cannot be refunded.



Cancellations after payment of the course fees has been received will be subject to the
following cancellation fees and charges (consumption tax included).

◆Diploma Online Course◆ Cancellation fee Commission fee
Before the application deadline Unnecessary 1,100 yen
After the application deadline 30% of the fee of the Online Units whose application deadline has not passed yet* 1,100 yen
◆Tutorial Programme◆ Cancellation fee Commission fee
Before the application deadline** Unnecessary 1,100 yen
After the application deadline until 5 business before the first Tutorial Programme day*** 30% of the Tutorial Programme fee 1,100 yen
From four business days before the first Tutorial Programme day onward 100% of Tutorial Programme fee Unnecessary

* Online course units deadline is set 15 working days before the start of the course.

** Possible only if the entire course is cancelled. Cancelling only the Tutorial Programme before the application deadline is not possible.

*** Candidates are supposed to take part in the Diploma Tutorial Programme. Even in case of cancellation, we strongly recommend to enroll in a future session. For details, please contact us.

  • Precautions

Please call our office at 03-6634-9976 in case of cancellation.
Office business days are Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, substitute holidays, and year-end and New Year holidays. Office hours: 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

  • Refund policy

【In the case of payment by bank transfer】
The difference will be refunded to your bank account after deducting the above cancellation fee and handling charges from the tuition fee paid.

【If you pay the course fee by credit card】
The difference will be refunded to your bank account via your credit card company after deducting the above cancellation fee and handling charges from the tuition fee paid.


Other Precautions


If a student interferes with the progress of the lecture or otherwise causes inconvenience to other students, he/she may be denied admission to the course and subsequent courses may also be denied.


The Academy will not be responsible for any loss or theft of personal belongings during the course.


Please bring your own personal belongings back after every course session.


Principally, recording or filming in the classroom is not permitted.


Selling goods, solicitation, and sales activities are strictly prohibited in the classrooms.


In the event of a fire, earthquake, or other disaster, please follow the guidance of the staff and act calmly. Please confirm emergency exits, evacuation routes, etc. prior to the start of classes.

Article 5 (Special Agreement on Online Courses)

Please refer to the Article 5 (Special Agreement on Online Courses) in the General Terms and Conditions page.

Article 6 (Contact for Inquiries)

This Academy is operated by Pasona HR Solutions Inc. In addition to these Terms and Conditions、please also review the Privacy Policy,Site Policy,、and the following.


The Academy 's website


This website is managed and operated with the utmost care, but we cannot
guarantee the content.


External websites linked to this site are managed and operated under the
responsibility of third parties, and we assume no responsibility for any damages
resulting from the use of such websites.


Mail service


The Academy may send email newsletters and important notification via emails, but
the Academy shall not be responsible for any problems that may occur, such as unreceived
emails, delays, garbled text, or duplicate receipt of the same content.


If you change your registered e-mail address, please understand that it may take a
few days to send an e-mail to the new e-mail address.


Handling of personal information


The Academy will handle personal information appropriately in accordance with the personal information prot ection policy and related laws and regulations.


Please notify the Academy office as soon as possible for any changes in personal


Contact for inquiries


For inquiries about our Academy, please contact the following:

Article 7 (Compensation for Damages)

Please refer to the Article 7 (Compensation for Damages) in the General Terms and Conditions page.

Article 8 (Modification of these Terms and Conditions)

The Academy may add, modify, or delete these Terms and Conditions as it deems
necessary. Any changes to these Terms and Conditions shall be posted on the website,
and such changes shall become effective from the time such notice is posted.

(Adopted July 26th, 2024)

