Pasona HR Solutions Inc. Caplan Wine Academy (hereinafter referred to as “the Academy”)
Terms and conditions, describes the points that need to be agreed upon with customers in
advance. When using the Academy services, please be sure to agree upon the terms and
conditions. We regard that you have read and agreed to our policy once you use our

Article 1 (About the Course)


There are two patterns to our courses as follows.


Regular courses: Courses are held starting in April and October, lasting for six month.


Special courses: One-time courses (held several times a year).


Anyone over twenty years old can apply for the "Special Course", but only those who
have enrolled in the Academy can apply for the "Regular Course".


Before registering for a "Regular Course," you may observe a course for about twenty
minutes free of charge. Some courses can be taken in the middle of the program, please
contact our office for more details.

Article 2 (Scope of Application of Terms of Use)

The scope of this Agreement shall be as follows.


In the case of enrolling in regular courses: all provisions apply.


In the case of only enrolling in special courses: Article 3 (admission) is not applicable,
but all other provisions are applicable.

Article 3 (Admission)


Admission Procedures

Students are enrolled in accordance with the procedures set forth by the Academy.
Please note that the Academy reserves the right to refuse enrollment in any of the following


When the applicant is under twenty years of age.


If the applicant does not exist.


When the applicant cannot be contacted with the contact information that they


If the information provided by the applicant contains falsehoods or similar


If the applicant has been suspended or refused to use or register at the Academy in the
past, if the applicant is related to antisocial forces, or if the Academy judges that the
applicant should not be admitted to the Academy.


Any other cases that the Academy deems inappropriate.


Admission fee


An admission fee of 5,500 yen (consumption tax included) per person will be


he admission fee is non-refundable under any circumstances after completion of
the admission procedure.


Suspension of membership


When one of the following situations applies, the Academy will remind the member
to correct the situation. If the member fails to correct the situation, the Academy may
suspend or terminate their membership.


If the member violates this Agreement.


In the event that the member is found to have provided false or similarly
inaccurate information.


If it is found that the member has been suspended or denied registration or
use of the Academy in the past.


In any other cases where the Academy deems it appropriate to suspend the
member's membership.


The Academy may terminate a member's membership without any notice or demand
if any of the following applies.


In the event that the member is found not to exist.


If the member has been unreachable for two years or more at the member's
notified contact address.


In the event that the information provided by the member is found to be false
and the member is found to be under twenty years of age.


When a member is related to antisocial forces.


The Academy shall not be liable for any damages (including refund of course fees)
caused by suspension of membership due to reasons (1) or (2) above.

Article 4 (Course Procedures)


Course Schedule


Please confirm the course schedule in advance via the website or catalogue.


Due to natural disasters, traffic conditions, instructor circumstances, etc., courses
may be cancelled, course content may be changed, or lectures may be given by a
substitute instructor. If a course is cancelled, a make-up course will be held on a
different day, but no refunds will be made if the student is unable to attend on the
make-up day.


In the event that the Academy is unable to provide make-up lectures due to
circumstances beyond its control, the tuition fee for the cancelled course will be
refunded in full.


Application for enrollment


Applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis and will be closed
when the course is full. If you wish to be placed on the waiting list, we will notify you as
soon as a cancellation occurs, on a first-come, first-served basis.


The Academy reserves the right to cancel or postpone a course if the number of
students does not meet the minimum number of participants specified for each course.


Course Fees


Fees will be set for each course and announced on the website and on the


The method of payment of course fees will be determined separately and prospective
participants will be able to check it at the time of registration.


In the event that the minimum number of students specified for each course is not
met and the course is cancelled, the tuition fee will be refunded in full.



Cancellations after payment of the course fees has been received will be subject to the
following cancellation fees and charges (consumption tax included).

◆Regular courses◆ Cancellation fee Commission fee
Up to eight business days prior to the course start date Unnecessary 1,100 yen
From seven business days prior to the course start date to the day before the course start date 10% of course fee 1,100 yen
From the day the course starts until 1/3 of the course schedule is completed 20% of not yet attended lessons' fees 1,100 yen
After 1/3 of the course schedule is completed 100% of not yet attended lessons' fees Unnecessary
◆Special courses◆ Cancellation fee Commission fee
Up to three business days prior to the scheduled course date Unnecessary 1,100 yen
From two business days prior to the scheduled course date to the previous business day 20% of course fee 1,100 yen
The day the seminar is scheduled to take place 100% of course fee Unnecessary

The office is open on all days except Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, substitute
holidays, and year-end and New Year holidays (December 30th through January 4th).

  • Precautions

The WSET Certification Examination Fee is non-refundable.

Please call our office at 03-6634-9976 in case of cancellation.

Office business days are excluding Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, substitute
holidays, and year-end and New Year holidays (December 30 - January 4). Office hours:
9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

  • Refund Policy

【In the case of payment by cash or bank transfer】
The difference will be refunded to your bank account after deducting the above cancellation
fee and handling charges from the tuition fee paid.

【If you pay the course fee by credit card】
Principally, we ask you to transfer the cancellation fee and handling charges shown in the
table above to our designated bank account.
After confirming receipt of the relevant amount, we will refund the full amount of the course
fee to your bank account via your credit card company.


Change or transfer of course dates

With the exception of some wine courses, we cannot, in principle, accept changes in class
dates or transfers to other courses due to illness or other reasons.


Other precautions


If a student interferes with the progress of the lecture or otherwise causes inconvenience
to other students, he/she may be denied admission to the course and subsequent courses
may also be denied.


The Academy will not be responsible for any loss or theft of personal belongings during
the course.


Please bring your own personal belongings back after every course session.


Principally, recording or photographing in the classroom is not permitted.


Selling goods, solicitation, and sales activities are strictly prohibited in the classrooms.


In the event of a fire, earthquake, or other disaster, please follow the guidance of the
staff and act calmly. Please confirm emergency exits, evacuation routes, etc. prior to the
start of classes.

Article 5 (Special Agreement on Online Courses)

When a course is conducted online, the following special terms and conditions also apply.



The Academy shall not be liable for any failure or damage under any of the following
items, irrespective of default liability, tort liability, or any other legal cause of claim.


Failures caused by the member's connection environment, such as
malfunctions in Internet connection services.


Failures caused by the poor performance of the Internet connection service.


Damage caused by unauthorized access, interception on the communication
pathway or an attack by a third party, which the Academy cannot protect against
even with the due care of a prudent manager.


Failure caused by the customer's inability to comply with the procedures or
security measures, set forth by the Academy.


Prohibited Matters

Students are prohibited from engaging in the following activities when taking
online courses.


Recording or downloading online courses.


Infringement on the copyrights, trademarks, intellectual property rights,
portrait rights, rights of privacy, honor, or other rights or interests of the Academy,
other students, or third parties.


Any act that destroys or interferes with the functions of the server or network
of this Academy, other students or any third party.


Unauthorized access or attempts to gain such access.


To collect personal information of other users.


Acts of using online courses for unauthorized purposes.


Advertisement, solicitation, or sales activities on the online course.


Actions for the purpose of meeting people of the opposite sex whom one has
never met before.


Other acts that the Academy deems inappropriate.

Article 6 (Contact for Inquiries)

This Academy is operated by Pasona HR Solutions Inc. In addition to these Terms and Conditions、please also review thePrivacy Policy,Site Policy,、and the following.


The Academy 's website


This website is managed and operated with the utmost care, but we cannot
guarantee the content.


External websites linked to this site are managed and operated under the
responsibility of third parties, and we assume no responsibility for any damages
resulting from the use of such websites.


Mail service


The Academy may send email newsletters and important notification via emails, but
the Academy shall not be responsible for any problems that may occur, such as unreceived
emails, delays, garbled text, or duplicate receipt of the same content.


If you change your registered e-mail address, please understand that it may take a
few days to send an e-mail to the new e-mail address.


Handling of personal information


The Academy will handle personal information appropriately in accordance with thepersonal information protection policy and related laws and regulations.


Please notify the Academy office as soon as possible for any changes in personal


Contact for inquiries


For inquiries about our Academy, please contact the following:

Article 7 (Compensation for Damages)

If the Academy suffers any damage due to a student's violation of the Terms of Use, the
Academy may demand compensation from the student for the damage suffered.

Article 8 (Modification of these Terms and Conditions)

The Academy may add, modify, or delete these Terms and Conditions as it deems
necessary. Any changes to these Terms and Conditions shall be posted on the website,
and such changes shall become effective from the time such notice is posted.

(Adopted October 1, 2013 / Revised April 1, 2014 / Revised October 1, 2023)

