- 試験日時
Exam Date -
[D3 Theory] 2025年 5月 13日(火)
Theory p1 11:00am-1:00pm
Theory p2 2:00pm-3:20pm
[D3 Tasting] 2025年 5月 14日(水)
Tasting p1 10:30am-12:00pm
Tasting p2 1:00pm-2:30pm──────
[D3 Theory] TUE 13 May 2025
Theory p1 11:00am-1:00pm
Theory p2 2:00pm-3:20pm
[D3 Tasting] WED 14 May 2025
Tasting p1 10:30am-12:00pm
Tasting p2 1:00pm-2:30pm
- 試験内容
Exam content -
・12 Wines blind Tasting
・3 hours 20 minutes Theory
- 試験会場
Exam place -
東京都港区南青山3-1-30 PASONA SQUARE 16階──────
Caplan Wine Academy
Pasona Square 16F(Wine school)
3-1-30, Minami Aoyama, Minato-ku,
Tokyo 107-0062
- 受験料
Exam fee -
はじめての方 :112,000円(税込 123,200円)再受験(Theory only):47,000円(税込 51,700円)再受験(Tasting only):65,000円(税込 71,500円)──────First time :112,000yen(123,200yen/tax-included)Theory only :47,000yen(51,700yen/tax-included)Tasting only :65,000yen(71,500yen/tax-included)
- お支払い方法
Payment -
三菱UFJ銀行 東京営業部
普通預金 口座番号1812074
口座名 株式会社パソナHRソリューション
Please transfer the fee to the bank account below or we can accept the credit card.
Mitsubishi UFJ Bank
Tokyo Eigyoubu Branch
Account Number : Futsu 1812074
Subscriber : Pasona HR solution Inc
Please note that we cannot refund the fee once you pay.
Please make sure bear the bank remitting charges concerned with yourself.
- お申し込み締め切り
Application deadline -
2025年 3月 9日(日)
- ※
SUN 9 March 2025- ※
We cannot accept the application after the deadline.
- お申し込み