About the course
The course is based around a 9-week structured online programme with a recommendation of 10 hours study per week to cover the online activities and read the relevant chapters in the textbook. There is also a 1 day tasting tutorial.The course follows a weekly structure and it is important to keep up with the work set for that week. The educator is not obliged to assess
the student’s work if they fall behind. Regular access and participation in the
course online activities is essential for this mode of study. There are no set times to log into the course as there are no live chats or webinars.
What level of knowledge will I need to start this course?
Students should hold the Level 2 Award or be able to demonstrate knowledge at this level. If you have not hold Level 2 Award, purchasing revision of Level 2 Materials is highly recommended.
It will be assumed that students have basic computer literacy, internet navigation skills and a good level of English.
How does it work?
Students are guided by a WSET educator. The student can contact the educator any time for the duration of the scheduled course, should they have any questions. Each week includes a series of independent activities that guide the student through the key wine regions of the world looking at the factors in the vineyard and winery that influence wine styles.
Students should be advised to taste a range of wines during their studies. A list of recommended tasting samples can be found in the specification. Students can post their tasting notes in the Online Classroom for review by the educator. A one-day tutorial introducing the WSET Level 3 Systematic Approach to Tasting Wine should be included by the APP.
The course fee not include the tasting wines fee. Please buy the wines by yourself. A list of recommended tasting samples can be found in the specification. Students can post their tasting notes in the Online Classroom for review by the educator.
【A 1-day tasting tutorial】
The Level 3 tasting technique will be held at Caplan.
2022年 1月11日(火)11:00~13:00 日本語実施(講師:中村 紀子)
2022年 1月14日(金)19:00~21:00 英語実施 (講師:Ettore Donadeo)
【Examination Date】
The examination will be held at Caplan (Not online).
Tokyo:SUN 24th April 2022
Osaka:SAT 23rd April 2022
Nagoya: SAT 16th April 2022
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Students MUST attend the course to sit the exam. Applying only for the exam is possible ONLY in the case of resits.
Weekly Structure
Week1 |
- Factors influencing Style, Quality and Price of wine - Learn about the principal natural and human factors in the vineyard and winery and how they influence the style, quality and price of wine. |
Week2 |
- Tasting technique, wine laws and service -
Learn to taste and describe wines using the WSET Systematic Approach to Tasting. |
Week3-5 |
- Factors affecting the wine, style and quality of wines from Europe - Learn about the natural and human factors in the vineyard and winery and how they influence the wine, style and quality in the key wine regions and districts of Europe. |
Week6-7 |
- Factors affecting the wine, style and quality of wines from the rest of the world -
Learn about the natural and human factors in the vineyard and winery and how they influence the wine, style and quality in the key wine regions of the rest of the world. |
Week8 |
- Sparkling and fortified wines -
Learn about the methods of production and the main styles of sparkling wines from the key wine producing countries. |
Week9 |
- Revision & Resources - Revision exercises and a mock multiple-choice examination in preparation for the examinations. |
- Course Period
9weeks each course
*Students must attend to 1-day tasting tutorial. The date will be provided by Caplan when you book the course.
- Language
English Only
- Course fee
90,000 yen (99,000 yen after tax)
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To be paid within three days after course application.
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Includes textbook fee and examination fee.
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Students attending for the first time a course at Caplan Wine Academy need to pay 5,500 yen for registration, tax included.
- How to pay
Please transfer the fee to the bank account below or we can accept the credit card.
Mitsubishi UFJ Bank
Tokyo Eigyoubu Branch
Account Number : Futsu 1812074
Subscriber : CAPLAN Corporation
Please note that we cannot refund the fee once you pay.
Please make sure bear the bank remitting charges concerned with yourself.
Level 3 Online Course 【11th October 2021 START】 O3WI2204APP |
Mon October 11th 2021 ~ Sun December 12th 2021 Application has been closed |
Level 3 Online Course 【January 10th 2022 Start】 O3WI2208APP |
Mon January 10th 2022 ~ Sun March 13th 2022 Application has been closed |

【特別講座】2/4(火) リースリングは忠実に”テロワール”を反映するブドウ品種のと言われています。当講座では、テロワールの違いがスタイルに分かりやすく影響する高品質なリースリングをブラインドテイスティングすることで、その違いをロジカルに見極め説明できるようにする事を目的にしています。ワインの資格を勉強している方や愛好家の皆様、是非ご参加ください。

【特別講座】11/31(金)19:00~20:30 主に2020年に植栽を行った樹も本年で3回目の収穫を終え、徐々に道南(北斗市文月)でのブドウ栽培とワイン醸造につきましてわかってきたことも蓄積されてきました。そこで実際に自社畑でできたワインのテイスティングも交えつつ現時点での気づきや課題をお伝えできればと考えております。

【特別講座】2/26(水)19:00~21:00 日本最高峰のピノノワールやシャルドネを作るKISVINワイン栽培長がブドウの生理学について説明いただきます。

【特別講座】4/11(金)14:00~16:00 ジャンシス・ロビンソン氏が約6年ぶりに来日!キャプラン ワインアカデミーで英国ワインセミナー開催。貴重なスティルワインを含む6種試飲&特製グラス使用の豪華テイスティング。さらに、参加者全員にジャンシス・ロビンソン・グラスをプレゼント!

【特別講座】12/18(水)19:00~21:00 日本最高峰のピノノワールやシャルドネを作るKISVINワイン栽培長が棚栽培がなぜ適しているのか、その秘密に迫ります。

【特別講座】8/27(火)・3/12(金)19:00~20:30 前回大好評を収めた大橋MWのテイスティング・マスタークラス。今回のテーマとなるのはYamanashi wine masterclass - learning from viewpoint of terroir - 。