WSET認定 Level3 SAKE
WSET認定 Level3
このコースは、さまざまなスタイルの日本酒とその製造方法について学びたい方、WSET日本酒レベル1アワードで得た入門的な知識をさらに深めたい方を対象としています。 This course is intended for anyone wishing to learn about the different styles of sake and how they are made, as well as those seeking to build on the introductory knowledge gained with the WSET Level 1 Award in Sake.
A beginner level introduction to sake for those starting a career in the industry or pursuing an interest in sake.For individuals new to the subject, this qualification offers a hands-on introduction to the world of sake. You’ll explore the main styles and types of sake through sight, smell and taste to develop an understanding of the key factors affecting flavours and aromas.