Are you curious about Italian wine? Do you want to deepen your knowledge on Italian wine before enrolling to the full-fledged Italian Wine Scholar course? Then this course is for you!
IWS Prep is designed to be an introduction to Italy, and it explores the key wine regions of the Country, focusing on its core appellations. It also acts as a stepping-stone to the internationally acclaimed Italian Wine Scholar certification program.
Together with Italian instructor Ettore Donadeo you will travel through Italy and explore its wines, foods, landmarks and cultural attractions.
The program has been divided into three sections, each featuring a geographical area of Italy: the wines of Northern Italy, the wines of Central Italy and the wines of Southern Italy. Within each section, a tantalizing palette of wines are showcased.
※ This course is only in English
Is this course for me?
Who is the IWS Prep program for?
Inquisitive wine enthusiasts wanting to become more familiar with the intricacies of Italian wine
Aspiring wine professionals
Hospitality professionals new to the world of Italian wine
Why choose the Italian Wine Scholar Prep?
This engaging and informative course will enable you to:
Acquire fundamental Italian wine knowledge in a short time
Refine your tasting skills
Master the essential grapes and appellations of Italy’s major wine regions
Navigate the seemingly complicated Italian wine classification system
Be perfectly poised to continue your studies with the prestigious Italian Wine Scholar (IWS) certification program
Are there any pre-requisites?
No, all you need to enter the program is an interest in learning more about the the wines of Italy!
What is included?
Classroom instruction with accredited IWS educator Ettore Donadeo (IWS, DipWSET and WSET certified instructor)
Tasting of 12 different types of Italian wines, the most representative of the Country.
A beautifully designed 125-page, coursebook rich with photographs & maps - The Wines of Italy: Glass by Glass.
Access to high-quality e-learning activities designed to enrich the coursebook and support different learning styles; these activities include interactive e-learning modules with additional cultural highlights and quizzes.
An optional exam comprising 50 multiple-choice questions. Passing score is 60%. Passing students will be awarded the IWS Prep Certificate.
How long should I spend in study?
While basic, the course still has a level of commitment. In addition to classroom instruction, it is recommended that you engage in 15 hours of self-study (approximately five hours per chapter) before sitting the exam. As such, we advise you to start studying the manual and e-learning activities before coming to the lessons.
How do Caplan online lessons work?
This online seminar will be held through「Zoom」by Zoom Video Communications. A URL link will be sent in advance, by clicking the URL the participants will be able to attend the seminar.
The seminar can be enjoyed by PC, Smartphone, Tablet as long as they are connected to the internet. For PC you can use the internet browser, but installing the dedicated Zoom software is recommended. For smartphones and tablet you will need the Zoom app. Please install it in advance.
The online seminar will also be recorded and the link to the video will be sent to all participants. You will be able to play it as many times as you want for 1 week
・Broadband internet connection (4G/LTE, fiber)
・Speaker or earphones
・Supported OS:Windows 7 and following, Mac OS X 10.7 and following, iOS, Android
・Supported browsers: IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Safari 5+
・CPU: Dual Core 2Ghz and above
・Memory: 4GB
Session 1 - 90min 【Online】 |
Foundation & The sparkling wines of Northern Italy |
Session 2 - 90min 【Online】 |
The white and red wines of Northern Italy |
Session 3 - 90min 【Online】 |
The white and red wines of Central Italy |
Session 4 - 90min 【Online】 |
The white and red wines of Southern Italy |
Session 5 - 3hrs 【Classroom】 |
Tasting, review & exam |
- Lecturer
Ettore Donadeo IWS, DipWSET
- Tasting session
12 different wines will be tasted on the final day
- Seating Capacity
- Place
Session 1~4: Online
Session 5: CAPLAN Wine Academy OHTEMACHI
Nihon bldg. 12F, 2-6-2, Ohtemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
- Fee
31,900円(after tax, textbook included)<29,000円 before tax>
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Includes wines, textbook and examination fee
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Students attending for the first time a course at CAPLAN Wine Academy need to pay 5,500 yen for registration, tax included.
- How to pay
Bank transfer or Credit card
Please transfer the fee to the bank account below or we can accept the credit card.
Mitsubishi UFJ Bank
Tokyo Eigyoubu Branch
Account Number : Futsu 1812074
Subscriber : CAPLAN Corporation
Please note that we cannot refund the fee once you pay.
Please make sure bear the bank remitting charges concerned with yourself.
Schedule / Entry
- ※
5 days Course:8 Hours/(Includes Examination)
Ettore Donadeo |
Application has been closed. |
WSET認定 Level4 Diploma
WSET Certified Educator
Wine Scholar Guild Certified Educator
Italian Wine Scholar with Highest Honors
French Wine Scholar with Highest Honors
Spanish Wine Scholar with Highest Honors
Barossa Master
Rioja Certified Educator
Wine Scholar Guild Bourgogne Master-Level
JSA認定 ワインエキスパート
北海道余市 『ワイナリー』ツアー。WSET LEVEL1特別講座、ワイナリー見学、ワインと料理のペアリングを通してワインの楽しさを体験いただくツアー内容です。
【特別講座】3/6(木)11:30~13:45 つな八‘つのはず庵’のベテランの職人による揚げたての天ぷらと、菊池講師の選んだサヴォアやブルゴーニュワインのペアリングをお楽しみいただきます
【特別講座】11/12(火)19:00~21:00 マスター・オブ・ワイン(MW)の大橋健一氏にWSETの日本酒資格を取得する事によって、どのような資格の活かし方ができるのか、自身の経験を元にお話しをして頂きます。そんな同氏の体験談や常日頃の思考手法から、皆様における自らの資格の活かし方を学んで頂くセミナーになります。
【特別講座】東京:12/9(月)19:00~21:00 世界を目指すピノ・ノワールの栽培適地として、栽培・醸造家でありワイン・エデュケーターの沼田 実が長野県の中央部、標高850mの土地を開墾し始めたのが2020年。それから4年、今年2024年に念願のワイナリーを稼働させる事が出来ました。そこで、キリノカ ヴィンヤーズ&ワイナリーのご紹介と、2023年に初収穫して山梨県のワイナリーに委託醸造を依頼した2種類のピノ・ノワールを、海外産のピノ・ノワール :ブルゴーニュ産1級銘柄を2種類、ニュージーランド産を1種類、オレゴン産を1種類、合計4種類のワインとブラインドで比較試飲するセミナーを開催します。果たして長野県小野の土地で育まれたピノ・ノワールは、世界に挑戦する資格を持ちうるのか。とてもチャレンジングでエキサイティングな講座内容ですので、皆様方、奮ってご参加の程お願いいたします。
【特別講座】東京:7/2(火)大阪:7/9(火)19:00~20:30 ニコラ・フィアットの創業者、ニコラ・フィアットとアンリ・マッカールは高品質のシャンパンをできるだけ多くの人の日常に届けることを使命とし、1976年の設立からわずか30年でフランス第1位、世界第3位の販売数を達成しました。近年、プロだけでなく、ワイン好きの方々の注目が高まっている二コラ・フィアットの魅力を、実際に昨年シャンパーニュの本社を訪問し、セラーマスターとも対談した松木先生にご紹介いただきます!
【特別セミナー】7/6(土)16:00~17:30 この特別セミナーでは、マスターソムリエのクリス・ベイツ氏が、4種類の異なるワインテイスティングしながら、マスターソムリエのテイスティング技術を説明します。 世界にいろいろなテイスティングシステムが存在していますが、マスターソムリエ協会のユニークなアプローチを学び、マスターソムリエがワインを評価し、その隠れたニュアンスを見つけるために使用する技術を直接体験することができます。