WSET Level4 Diploma in Wines Online Course Public Demo
Do you want to see what the WSET Level 4 Diploma in Wines Online Course looks like?
Now you can! Click the link below and give it a try!

About the Diploma Online Course
The Diploma is delivered in six mandatory units. All units must be successfully completed to achieve the WSET Diploma. D1 and D2 must be studied at the beginning of a Diploma programmes and the D1 exam sat first. Upon registration in Tokyo, student's will receive an e-mail from WSET London directly with instructions to participate in WSET's online classroom.
Duration of the course(D1 to D5) is about one year and a half, Caplan provide the two online courses in a year which starts from January and June every year. Note that all examinations will be held in Tokyo.
Although there are no set times to log into the course, the individual units follows a weekly structure and it is important that the students keep up with the work set for that week. The educator is not obliged to assess work if the student falls behind. The individual units are designed to progressively build upon knowledge gained from the previous weeks, so the student should not skip ahead.
The online units are guided by a WSET educator. The student can contact the educator any time for the duration of the scheduled course, should they have any questions. Each unit includes a series of independent and/or group activities that require you to look in depth at the wine industry, applying subject knowledge and professional skills to analyse key issues. Each unit also includes a feedback test or tests depending on the unit e.g. D1 and D2 have one feedback test. D3 includes 10 theory feedback tests and 4 tasting feedback tests; D4 and D5 have one theory feedback test and one tasting feedback test.
Diploma Online Course(Starts from June 2025)
Scheduled for June 2025 - October 2026 |
(D1) - 02/06/2025 - 13/07/2025
Tutorial Programme and D1 Examination
A 2-day tasting tutorial introducing the Level 4 tasting technique will be offered by Caplan. Each examination will be held at Caplan (not online).
On the day of the D1 exam, as well as the following day (2 days total), an in-class tutorial programme is scheduled to provide instructions and tasting practice, offering guidance for your subsequent units of study involving tasting. This programme is compulsory for all Diploma candidates. It will be instructed in English by a certified WSET instructor and Diploma holder from our school.
Enrollment in the Tutorial Program and in the D1 exam is mandatory. Please be sure to come on those days. You cannot take any other Unit unless you first sit the D1 exam.
Tutorial Programme |
① June 10th 2025 (TUE) 19:00~20:30 Classroom September 27th (SAT) ~ 28th (SUN) 2025 [2 days] |
D1 Examination |
September 27th 2025 (SAT)10:30~12:00
Entry requirements
・Must hold a WSET Level 3 Award in Wines or Level 3 Award in Wines and Spirits.
・Must possess basic PC skills (Internet literacy).
・A recommended English proficiency level is IELTS 6.5 or higher (equivalent to a TOEIC score of 820 or above).
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You will be responsible for setting up the online study environment, such as the Online Classroom and eBook (Digital Study Materials). You will also need to handle communication with the tutor and technical matters on your own. Please ensure that you have a basic level of PC skills (Internet literacy) and sufficient English proficiency.
Application deadline
- June 2025 Start (June 2nd)
May 11th, 2025 (SUN)
Study Materials
All study materials for the WSET Level4 Diploma are available online via the WSET's digital education learning management system. No hard copy materials for Level4 Diploma.
Candidates will pay a candidate registration fee which will give them access to the WSET Diploma Online Classroom(Canvas). Access will be for an initial three-year period, matching the current registration period.
Diploma Examination
Candidates need to apply for each examination except the first D1 exam attempt.
Learning Outcomes
【D1】 Wine Production(Weighting: 20%)
Learning Outcome1 |
Understand what the vine requires to produce and ripen grapes for wine production and how the growing environment influences the vines's ability to produce and ripen grapes. |
Learning Outcome2 |
Understand grape growing options. |
Learning Outcome3 |
Understand winemaking options and how they influence the style, quality and price of wines. |
【D2】 Wine Business(Weighting: 10%)
Learning Outcome1 |
Understand the factors that contribute to the price of wine. |
Learning Outcome2 |
Understand the types of businesses engaged in the production of wine and options for getting wine to the point of sale. |
Learning Outcome3 |
Understand key consideration in wine marketing. |
【D3】 Wines of the World(Weighting: 50%)
Learning Outcome1 |
Understand how the growing environment, grape growing options, winemaking options, wine law and regulation, and wine business influence the style, quality and price of the principal wines of the world. |
Learning Outcome2 |
Demonstrate the ability to taste and evaluate wines from the principal wine regions accurately. |
【D4】 Sparkling Wines(Weighting: 5%)
Learning Outcome1 |
Understand how the growing environment, grape growing options, winemaking options, industry associations and labelling terms, and wine business influence the style, quality and price of the principal sparkling wines of the world. |
Learning Outcome2 |
Demonstrate the ability to taste and evaluate sparkling wines accurately. |
【D5】 Fortified Wines(Weighting: 5%)
Learning Outcome1 |
Understand how the growing environment, grape growing options, winemaking options, industry associations and labelling terms, and wine business influence the style, quality and price of the principal fortified wines of the world. |
Learning Outcome2 |
Demonstrate the ability to taste and evaluate fortified wines accurately. |
【D6】Independent Research Assignment(Weighting: 10%)
Learning Outcome1 |
Research a specified wine-related subject. |
Course fee
【Existing Caplan Wine Academy students】Total: 565,400 yen (with tax)
【New Caplan Wine Academy students】Total: 570,900 yen (with tax)
※ Includes a 5,500 yen administration fee for new students
Diploma Candidate Registration fee for 3 years |
85,000 yen(93,500 yen with tax)
D1(Wine Production) Exam fee |
25,000 yen(27,500 yen with tax) |
Online Course fee |
335,000 yen(368,500 yen with tax) |
Tutorial Programme fee |
69,000 yen(75,900 yen with tax) |
Exam fees
Please apply to the certification exams separately for each unit.
Concerning refunds
Please check the "Caplan Wine Academy Terms and Conditions WSET® Level 4 Diploma in Wine"
Apply for the Diploma Online Course
IMPORTANT: please complete the application form below BEFORE processing the payment
We will need your "Candidate Number" which can be found on the letter when you received your Level 3 Certificate. Please confirm it yourself.
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Students attending for the first time a course at Caplan Wine Academy need to pay 5,500 yen for registration, tax included. Also we ask you to create your new account(new membership registration for Caplan)when you apply from the link below.
Application deadline: May 11th 2025 (SUN)

【特別講座】4/5(土)・6(日)10:00~13:00 2025年5月に実施されるDiploma D3(世界のライトワイン)認定試験に向け、テイスティングに特化した対策セミナーを開催します。合格するには"結論に至る過程"の書き方が重要です。「なぜその結論になったか?」を、コメントの中からエビデンスを積み重ね、基本知識にリンクさせながら論理的に導き出します。また、試験官の意図を的確に推測し、求められているポイントを効率良く時間内に書き上げる練習をします。

【特別講座】3/17(月)19:00~21:00 この講座では、「甘口ワインの主要産地」に焦点を当て、産地ごとのスタイルや品質の違い、そしてそれを形成する栽培条件や醸造技術を論理的に紐解いていきます。また、WSET Diplomaの試験対策において求められる「逆算思考」を活用し、ワインのスタイルや品質から栽培・醸造の要因を推察するアプローチをお伝えします。この手法は、どのワインスタイルにも応用できるため、学びの幅を広げ、論理的な理解を深める重要なスキルとなるでしょう。講座内では甘口ワインを5種類テイスティングします。

【特別講座】12/23(月)19:00~20:30 本講座は1月末提出締め切りのD6対策のための講座です。 D6は、Research Assignmentで、他の5つのユニットとは大きく異なります。本講座では、D6への取り組み方を前半部分で解説します。特に、普段論文を書いたことのない人向けに、D6でどのようなスタイルで論文を書くかについて解説します。 後半部分では、今回のテーマである「ヴァージニアワイン」についてのオーバーヴュー、設問に対する考え方を解説します。 直近のD6対策としてだけではなく、今後D6にどのように取り組めばいいのかも理解できる内容になっています。

【特別講座】2/10(MON)19:00~21:00 For this special seminar 20 students will have the chance to submit an answer to two D1 questions specifically made for this event and to receive a feedback from awarded Diploma graduate Alex Tsui. Alex will then comment the works and give some precious advices to all participants.
![Wine Business解説講座[全2回]](/image/wine/class_special_casestudy_list.jpg)
【特別講座】2/8(土)・2/15(土)13:30-15:30 初歩的なビジネス領域(ミクロ経済学、マーケティング、ファイナンス、経営戦略等)が苦手なDiploma 受験生もいらっしゃると思いますので、具体例を踏まえ難しい話は抜きにして、分かりやすく説明し、答案の作成方法も解説します。尚、当日はD2テキストをお持ちください(PC,タブレットなどでもOK)。

【特別講座】12/15(日)10:30~16:30 Diploma D5(フォーティファイド ワイン)認定試験に向け 対策セミナーを開催します。 新しいSpecificationが公表され、試験範囲、試験時間、出題方法、SATが変更されています。D5はDiploma受験の中でも、早いタイミングで受験される科目であることから、勉強方法がまだ確立していない受験生が多いと思われます。本対策セミナーで何を準備するか?どう対策を立てるか?を効率的に学ぶ事を主眼として進めていきます。